About the Association

The Association for Promotion of Sustainable Finance Platform provides a digital platform for promoting ESG investment by seamlessly connecting listed companies and asset management companies.
The association will verify the usefulness of the platform and promote joint examinations towards the formal launch of the services.

Overview Diagram of the Sustainable Finance Platforms (SFPF)

Background to the Establishment of the Association

In recent years, interest in environment, social, and governance (ESG) has increased, leading to a sharp increase in ESG investments.
Global ESG investments in 2020 increased to about USD 35.3 trillion (about JPY 3,900 trillion)*.
Initiatives related to ESG continue to gain pace at companies both inside and outside Japan. However, when it comes to the disclosure of non-financial information related to ESG, which is an important factor in determining investments, the standards for disseminating such information publicly (such as global disclosure rules and evaluation methods) have not been prepared in a common fashion.

Because listed companies all have different methods of disclosure and disclose different items, interacting with this information can require an enormous number of staff hours. In addition, asset management companies find it difficult to collect information and evaluate companies in comparison to others due to how the disclosed data varies depending on the listed companies involved.

We now offer a service that helps to deepen understanding related to ESG-oriented information when shared between asset management companies and listed companies.
This promotes effective and efficient information disclosure and investment evaluations at asset management companies.
This service provides support for stronger ESG investments and ESG markets, contributing to healthy market growth.

Note: Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA)

Association Overview

The Association for Promotion of Sustainable Finance Platform
1-6-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8220

Member Companies

  • Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co, Ltd.
  • Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
  • Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
  • Nippon Life Insurance Company
  • Hitachi, Ltd.
  • Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  • MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Directors and Auditors

Affiliation Position at
Affiliated Company
Name Position
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co, Ltd. General Manager for SX Promotion Corporate Plannning Dept. Kazuko Mishima Director
Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Senior Deputy General Manager 1st Corporate Marketing Department Tatsuya Hatayama Director
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. General Manager
Marketing Strategy Dept.
Green Transformation Task Force
Yusuke Munetsugu Director
Nippon Life Insurance Company Deputy General Manager ESG Investment Stratagy Office Yuichi Miyashita Director
Hitachi, Ltd. Vice President of Financial Information Systems Sales Management Division Yoshihiro Kanaoka Representative Director
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Advisor to Chief Sustainability Officer Takanobu Suehiro Director
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation General Manager
Sustainable Solution Dept.
Yoko Chivers Director
MUFG Bank, Ltd. Managing Director,
Head of Investment and Business Development Office
Miwa Taniguchi Director
Emura CPA Office Director Yuki Emura Auditor